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Importance Of Wearing Safety Helmet At Work

Published on Jun. 30, 2021

Importance Of Wearing Safety Helmet At Work

Safety has always been a very important issue in all industrial activities, especially construction. After all, this is not an ordinary office job and some precautions need to be taken. The more prepared workers are, the less likely it is that accidents and injuries will occur on construction sites. The head is the only organ in the human body that is completely surrounded by bones. This is the law of nature, which explains the importance of protecting the very important functional part of our body-the brain. Safety helmets are the first line of defense against head injuries, but they can only be effective when worn correctly. Therefore, it can be said that safety helmets save lives and reduce the risk of brain injury.

If you choose, use and maintain proper head protection measures, most head injuries can be avoided. Anyone who has visited a construction site can prove when entering the site that some workers do not follow the signs that require them to wear safety helmets or hard hats. This may be due to many reasons, such as mismatched comfort levels, or simply ignoring or neglecting the helmet due to wrong information. According to reports published in several journals, most cases of head injuries are mentioned seriously, and employers do not actually require workers to wear head protection. Therefore, whenever feasible, employers should consider implementing engineering or administrative controls to minimize or eliminate exposure to problems. If employers feel that there is a lack of high-quality options, they can always buy safety helmets online.

Benefits of wearing a safety helmet at work

safety helmet

safety helmet

1. Prevention against head injuries

The safety helmet is designed to protect the head from falling objects and to protect the head, eyes, and neck from any adverse impacts, collisions, abrasions, and electrical exposure. Wearing a safety helmet is a mandatory requirement, and all employers must comply with it and must provide their employees with safety helmets and fully ensure that they wear them. Since on average hundreds of workers suffer fatal head injuries each year, safety helmets are an important feature of workplace safety.

2. Industrial protection

In some industrial workplaces, the risk of head injury is so great that standard industrial helmets are not sufficient to provide a satisfactory degree of protection. For example, in industrial sectors such as mining and construction. In this case, employees should be provided with high-performance industrial safety helmets, including a shell and a headband with good shock absorption performance and protection against lateral impact. They should also include protective padding to absorb the energy generated from the impact, thereby reducing the force transmitted to the user's head. This padding is usually made of foam containing elements such as polyurethane.

We are safety helmet suppliers. Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in our products.

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